This year has been amazing! We started OlnaLife this fall and just opened our online store in November. The response has been wonderful! In our first few months, OlnaLife has been able to provide dignity backpacks to a group of girls that are part of a program, associated with the Boys and Girls club, that deals with young girls at risk. We were also able to provide Christmas tote bags, filled with goodies and personal, individualized messages to 100 seniors living in isolation. Many, many thanks to the care givers who provided us with the list of seniors, the volunteers who helped us load the bags, and to the generous folks who sponsored the bags.
One particular senior stands out in my mind. This gentle soul I will call Anne. Anne lives in the Alzhiemer's ward at a local long term care facility. The day we visited, she was not responsive and sat with a far away look in her eye. That was until we took out the blanket that was part of the tote bag contents, and placed it in her hands. Her caregiver spoke gently to her and took a corner of the fleece blanket and stroked her cheek. At that moment, Anne's eyes lit up and she turned to me and smiled. Unbelievable to see that flash of joy. So during this holiday season, think of Anne and her moment of simple pleasure. We are so grateful to have been a part of that. Merry Christmas and much love to all.